Reflection on Didactics as a determining factor in Art Teaching - Music


  • José António de Matos Esteves das Neves CIPEM (Centro de Investigação em Psicologia da Música e Educação Musical) Polo no IPP do INET- MD (Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Música e Dança - FSCH/UNL).



Teaching, Music, Quality, Knowledge


This reflection intends to show how Didactics can assume an important role, with regard to the practical aspects of carrying out the educational process. It is also intended to question what is the role of Music Education, what is its interest, what is the basis for its inclusion in the general education of people, as well as the curricula of Basic Education, Artistic and Professional Education. It is necessary to confront students with different materials, in the sense that they use them and that they can provide them with identical opportunities to experiment, organize,
combine and communicate different musical experiences. The 42 years both as a teacher at different levels of education, as a precursor and pedagogical responsible for new pedagogical structures, as a researcher, as well as the experiences and sharing between peers, were crucial for this reflection.

