A study of the contemporary clown


  • Hugo Américo Pereira Cardoso Vieira Universidade do Porto




clown, hybrid, body, construction


The body that gives life to this article comes from the thesis project “in progress” and is thought in the area of Arts Education. The project is located precisely in a hybrid scenario that starts its journey in clown calling areas such as: circus arts, dance, kung fu and establishes a creative relationship with the Anne Bogarts technique of “Viewpoints”. The body and movement are undoubtedly the meeting point of the action and “listening” is the main theme. The construction of the hybrid character that start with clown doesn”t have a specific goal, it is in a constant space of molding and will be created through creative processes in laboratories that will be developed throughout and will result in the preparation of a performance and its submittal that should modeling in the passage to writing and vice versa. Here, in this article I try to explain a set of concepts that are directly related to this research project and lie in a speech that the used languages represent an essential part of this metamorphoses, as well as the methodological part of the laboratory work that aims to show a future action in Arts Education.

