Zé da Luz and Reginaldo Carvalho: the relationship between text and music in the works “As Flô de Puxinanã” and “A Cacimba”.


  • Vladimir A. P. Silva University of Montevallo
  • Gunnar Menezes Silvestre Universidade Federal de Campina Grande




Reginaldo Carvalho, Musical Rhetoric, Brazilian Choral Music


Reginaldo Carvalho (Guarabira-PB, 1932 – João Pessoa-PB, 2013) composed and arranged various pieces for choir. This work aims to analyze two of his compositions, As Flô Puxinanã and A Cacimba, both based on the poems by Zé da Luz, focusing on historical, structural and rhetorical-musical elements. The analysis was based on studies developed by Bartel (1997), Brait (2008), Duarte (2006), Fiorin (2006), Preti (2003), Rose (2008), Sankovitch (2006), among others. The results show that there is a close correlation between music and text in the works studied, and that the composer works with elements of tradition and contemporary music, exploring semantic aspects of the poems, highlighting irony and satirical aspects.

