ABOUT THE EARTH AS AN EVENT: geophilosophy and aesthetics in the art of Romy Castro


  • Paulo Alexandre e Castro IEF-Universidade de Coimbra




Earth, Geophilosophy, Romy Castro, Phenomenon


The aim of this article is to analyse the works of art of Romy Castro that started in 2012 entitled «The Earth as an event». If, at the time of the creation of the series, «Memories of the black Earth» some signs of the potential use of the pictorial materials that would come to generate future works were already guessed, it is at the end of 2019 that we see consecrating, if not sacralising this primordial relationship between man and earth, which is, after all the event, phenomenon that rediscovery the visible and the unspeakable that happens on Earth. An analysis that reflect critically and theoretically, on the one hand, on the materials that the artist uses for the production of works of art and on the other hand, on the artist's thought, as creator and essayist. In this sense, it can be affirmed that one is in the presence of a geophilosophy that thinks about the Earth and that gives rise to another aesthetic practice that involves seeing and listening maters.

