The role of Freemasonry in contemporary times: universalist principles and values in the creation of an inclusive society, solidarity and social ethics


  • Orlando Martins Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde de Lisboa
  • Leonel Madaíl dos Santos Universidad Miguel de Cervantes
  • Pedro Nogueira Simões NS Iberian Lawyer



Contemporaneity, Universalist Principles


One of the great challenges facing human communities today is finding solutions to establish a more solidary and inclusive society, where ethical issues prevail. How can Freemasonry make a unique contribution to this challenge? The objective of this work will be to review concepts and try to give an answer to this theme in contemporaneity. In this way, questions related to universalist principles and values, as well as the concepts of fraternity and tolerance, will be addressed. Since Freemasonry is a path of improvement carried out based on a commitment anchored in the desire and love of the Truth, it aims to create an alliance of humans who come together to work together in moral, spiritual, and intellectual progress. Being identified the problems of concretism of thought, as well as the tendency for each human and different group to isolate themselves in their dogmas and beliefs, harming existing human relationships, it proposes to counter this fact. That is, regardless of the different cultures and all the powers that have been instituted, the purpose of this Order will always be to bring humans together, bringing together the dispersed, without imposing or unifying.

