THE MATHEMATICS HIDDEN IN THE ART WHEN ROLLING AND UNROLLING HEADSCARVES ON ANGOLAN WOMEN'S HEADS: A didactic resource for learning the sine function and its inverse in the perspective of Realistic Mathematics


  • Ezequias Adolfo Domingas Cassela Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié



To bend and unfold scarves, Realistic Mathematical Education, Sine function and its inverse


The present Article explored the potential inherent of an Art when rolling and unrolling headscarves on Angolan women's heads, with a aim to extract mathematical ideas on the respective arts, to access an didactic resource which awakens students motivation when it comes to learning about sine function and it's inverse . It was followed an approach related with Realistic Mathematic Education (RME). The Same is forwarded to answer the following scientific questions : what is the potential of Mathematics ideias hidden on the rolling an unrolling Art headscarves on Angolan women's? for such ,take vantage of some experiences ,because of Equations and two-dimensional geometrical transformations, motivated with two important questions raised by Apostol study relatively recent ,about roll and unrolling of curves of the cylindrical surfaces with a sedimentary aim with scientific accuracy on the attitude of the observant researcher.

