Choral Conducting and Vocal Technique: Is dialogue possible? Metodological considerations for an efficient vocal work


  • Esteban Etcheverry Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Nicolás Alessandroni Facultad de Bellas Artes



Vocal Technique, Singing, Contemporary Vocal Pedagogy, Diagnostic


Sixty years ago, the operation of the voice as an instrument governed by acoustic rules and belonging to the human body and its physiological mechanisms was a mystery. Nowadays, thanks to science research, it is possible (and unavoidable) to introduce the voice from a scientifically based perspective. Choral practice is vocal practice, so that it has become essential for the choral conductor to be acquainted with new knowledge regarding Vocal Technique and Vocal Pedagogy. There are choir conductors and voice professionals who don’t know how the vocal instrument comprises in detail, what are their most important features; what are the nervous, sensorial and motor processes involved in the phonation process, and how to perceive the difficulties and kinesthetic sensations of their singers. This implies a real obstacle for the professional development of the activity. The challenge that choir directors are facing in the XXI century is linked to the possibility of apprehending and applying available knowledge in pursuit of constant improvement and planned perfectioning of vocal sound. This article proposes a path through the most important concepts of Contemporary Vocal Pedagogy (as diagnostic, prescription and vocal training) and delineates the crosslinks of interest for the choir conductors of this new scientific era.

